
By Published On: March 22, 2005Categories: Living in Bolivia1 Comment on Nostalgico

I went to see a French film last night, "A long Sunday engagement" in a cinema in Cochabamba famous for the size of its screen. It was certainly huge compared to the audience of 4 people. 

It was about a woman (acted by the beautiful Audrey Tatou) who remains convinced against all the odds that her fiancee did not die whilst fighting on the Somme in the First World War.

Leaving the cinema, I was overcome for the first time since my departure in December by intense feelings of homesickness. Momentarily, I felt quite bereft as I wandered down the grid-like streets of Cochabamba back to my flat.

Quite how scenes of trenches, mortar shells and people blowing their hands off with guns should remind me of London, I don’t know.


One Comment

  1. Andy March 26, 2005 at 3:23 pm - Reply

    Well, you did live in Brixton.

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