Love and passion fruits

By Published On: September 21, 2005Categories: Living in Bolivia1 Comment on Love and passion fruits

It’s the first day of spring and love is in the air.

As I wandered to work this morning, all the battery and tight stalls were thronged with single red roses, and cards of teddy bears’ kissing that even Hallmark cards would reject as being too tacky. Men who probably do nothing romantic all year with a mixture of embarassment and pride clung onto carnations for their loved ones.

It’s the Día del Amor (Day of Love), the Bolivian equivalent to Valentine’s Day.

Although I like to think myself above such commercial nonsense, I found myself thinking of my recent enamorada who despite her many qualities has a penchant for decidedly syrupy music with lyrics that would go quite well on some of the cards.

The amorous ambience on my walk was only slightly spoilt by a businessman in a suit who shiftily lingered on a street corner before dramatically opening his flies and letting a torrent of pee spill forth.

For some reason it reminded me of a failed romantic gesture of mine whilst I was at University. It was the eve of Valentine’s Day. I decided instead of a card to write a poem, waterproof it and insert it inside a passion fruit which I carefully wrapped up in glossy paper before squeezing it through the letterbox of my girlfriend.

The next day I asked her if she had got anything for Valentines’s Day. "No," she said as if it was a ridiculous question. After a bit more badgering, she said; "Actually I did get some wierd fruit." Did you open it? "No," she replied puzzled.

A little more persuasion and I got her to rescue it from the bottom of her fridge where it lay buried beneath a slightly mouldy cabbage. She opened it. Inside was the poem. "What on earth did you do that for?" she exclaimed. It didn’t really match the amorous response I was hoping for.

I am glad to say she is happily married now. My romantic gestures are still waiting to bear full fruit.


One Comment

  1. Yvonne Damm September 27, 2005 at 2:57 pm - Reply

    Hey Nick!
    Was this Arnie by chance?
    Fantastic blog btw :o)

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