Secure and the Dispossessed: How the Military and Corporations are shaping a climate-changed world

I co-edited and co-wrote this book that asked the question: What if government and corporate elites have given up on the idea of stopping climate change and prefer to try to manage its consequences? The book shows how the military and corporations plan to maintain control in a world reshaped by climate change. It unveil the dangerous new security agenda, and put forward inspiring alternatives that promise a just transition to a climate-changed world.

Cambio Climático S.A.

Cambio climático, S.A. es la traducción del libro Secure and Dispossessed publicado gracias a FUHEM Ecosocial en castellano. El libro documenta meticulosamente cómo los ejércitos y las corporaciones, con el consenso de ciertos grupos políticos, buscan hacer del cambio climático un gran negocio del que lucrarse, mientras profundizan la exclusión de las y los desposeídos, expuestos a las peores consecuencias. Al mismo tiempo, el libro invita a la ciudadanía a pensar otros modos de abordar las consecuencias de la crisis climática respetando los derechos sociales y la sostenibilidad.

Dignity and defiance: Stories from Bolivia’s challenge to globalisation

I contributed a chapter to this book entitled ‘Economic Strings: The Politics of Foreign Debt in Bolivia‘ that drew on original research and interviews in the country and examined the way the Andean’s nations indebtedness shaped the state and its economic policies, and how debt relief enabled a new indigenous government to follow more re-distributive economic policies.

Fighting for human rights book cover

Fighting for human rights

I contributed a chapter to this book entitled ‘Debt cancellation and civil society: a case study of Jubilee 2000‘ that drew on my experience of working within the historic anti-debt campaign to examine its successes and failures and its likely legacy.